New Hope Herald

“Hope Together, Grow in Faith”

Minister’s Message

We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. (Rom. 14.7-8)

Death is hard, whether we are expecting it, or it comes to us suddenly.

Someone came into the office this week, and told us someone close had died, quite unexpectedly. The one who died was a family member, but even more than that – like a sibling. It was an accident, not disease or natural causes that took her life. And the comment was made, “Why did God take her?”

I’ve asked that question myself. It’s easier to put the blame on God in order to explain our grief, our anger, our pain. When I was in kindergarten, my oldest brother (18 years old and a senior in high school) fell off a cliff (in California) and drowned. A week later my parents received his draft notice for Vietnam.

So, for years my comfort was that “God took him, so he wouldn’t have to endure the horrors of war.” And that worked. Until it didn’t. As I matured, emotionally and spiritually, I came to believe God is love. And if God is love, then our loving God wouldn’t ‘take’ someone. Which means I had to come to grips with the fact that my brother either fell or took his own life. Either way, it wasn’t God’s fault.

Every one of us experiences grief throughout our lives, and every grief demands of us a wrestling, like Jacob wrestled on the banks of the river Jabbok (Gen. 32.22ff), with God, and who we believe God is and what this means for us. How do we move forward? How do we move forward in faith? How will this change us? And how can we take this experience in years to come, hard as it is, and help others in their grief? After all, we are called to walk with one another on this journey of faith, and our experiences can indeed inform us, and shed light for others.

When we can move forward in God’s love, it is good news for the people of God. Even if it is so very hard. And good news ultimately is a reason for us to say, thanks be to our loving God.

I continue serving in Christ.

Pastor Toby



Beginning October 2!!     
Wednesday morning Bible Study – 10am in the Conference Room!

Come one, come all to a new mid-week Bible study!! We’ll be studying the Gospel of Luke. Come with a Bible, and please read the text prior to each week’s study:

Oct. 2 Luke 1:1-38                                       
Oct. 9 Luke 1:39-80   
Oct. 16 Luke 2     
Oct. 23 Luke 3
Oct. 30 Luke 4

Children and youth news

First friday friends

Save the date for the next First Friday Friends: November 1st, 5:30-7:30


A Note from the Finance Committee

God’s people faithfully brought in the contributions, tithes and dedicated gifts. – 2 Chronicles 31:12 

Thank you for your continued support of our church through your financial giving, prayers and gifts of time and talent.

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”  ~Max Lucado 

Thank you, 

Risa, Chair
Elaine George J Jimmy

Adult Education

As we continue our “Rally Day” theme…..W W J D  “What Would Jesus Do?”

Jesus always showed deep compassion for others, understanding their needs and taking action to help them. For example, He healed the sick and comforted those in distress. Today, you can emulate this by volunteering at a local shelter, helping a neighbor in need, or simply listening to a friend going through a tough time. Jesus also showed kindness to everyone, regardless of their social status or background. He reached out to the marginalized and treated everyone with respect and dignity. Acts of kindness today could include helping a stranger, donating to a charity, or simply being polite and considerate in your daily interactions.

Wednesday, October 2nd our guest speaker will be Susanna Kavanaugh, Executive Director of “The Least of These”, an organization here in Gastonia that impacts the quality of life of children affected by foster and kinship care. Come and find out how you can volunteer and help this wonderful organization make a difference in the lives of children in need. dinner at 6:00pm followed by a program from 6:30-7:30 PM. A program will also be provided for our young disciples.

“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Philippians 2:4 


Crisis Assistance Ministries
    Our next CAM Sunday will be October 13th. The items that are most needed are Ramen noodles, pancake syrup, pancake mix, boxed milk, instant mashed potatoes, and canned potatoes. Our willingness to focus on these items is a blessing for both the pantry and its clients. Let’s remember our goal of thirty bags with six items. 
  Blood Drive
      Our next blood drive will be in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday October 8th. 2:30pm -7:00pm. This is one of our most important ministries. If you are able, you can sign up online or call the Red Cross. Barbara Michael can also help you register. Thanks to Barbara for her continued leadership in this ministry.



We are once again selling Scandinavian Almond Cakes as a fund raiser for the Presbyterian Women.  Much of the money we raise is funneled back into the church to help purchase needed equipment or repair work.  Details are below and order forms will be available in the narthex starting October 6th.  Return order forms with payment to Terry Clark or the church office.  Limited number of cakes available – first come first serve.  
Deadline to order cakes:  December 1st, 2024
Cost:  $15 per cake and must be paid at time of order
Delivery Dates:  December 8th and 15th   


Preschool News

Every week of each month has a different theme to focus on, each month has a bible story, bible verse and nursery rhyme they will focus on also one certain color, one shape and concepts like up/down and under/over. Fittingly for October the color is orange so on the 23rd is Orange Day. A Fire Truck visit is planned for the 9th, dress like a pirate or princess day is the 29th. The fall festival is the 30th. Our teachers are awesome.